2023.08.28(Mon) COLUMN

[Vol. 1] At the Table - Enjoying Meals Together

Wine was born into this world 8000 years ago. Grapes have been on Earth for about 30,000 years (various theories exist). Even in the heat or without rain, these wonderful fruits grew splendidly—delicious and precious food for humanity. Someone with a curious mind must have put these precious fruits in buried vessels for storage, and they bubbled and fermented. Someone curious and resourceful couldn’t let it go to waste and took a sip. This is speculated to be the beginning of wine.

In the birthplace of wine, Georgia, a tradition known as “Supra” involves hosting guests for an important evening meal, a tradition that continues to this day. A table brimming with dishes, and wine poured continuously—much like the scene where Lumière and Mrs. Potts host in Disney’s “Beauty and the Beast,” the “Be Our Guest” scene. In “Supra,” there’s a role known as the “Toastmaster.” They ensure everyone enjoys their wine equally, elevate the atmosphere, and connect everyone, all while appreciating that wine is a vital part of entertaining and uniting people, just like the role of wine in “Beauty and the Beast.”

Wine accompanies food, welcoming guests and connecting people—a crucial part of our lives. It’s an essential and irreplaceable aspect of daily drinking, a way of sharing meals.

“Japan is the only advanced country where wine remains a special and non-everyday beverage,” some say. Of course, alcohol consumption predates this discussion. However, it is essential for Japan to move beyond the notions of “all-you-can-drink,” “just get drunk,” and “the cheaper, the better” and establish itself at the societal, economic, and cultural levels it deserves.

With varying alcohol tolerance and wine budgets, you can select wines that suit your lifestyle, values, and preferences. Having wine at the table doesn’t just make meals enjoyable—it enriches life itself.

Written by Hiroshi Ishida




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