2023.08.28(Mon) COLUMN

Volume 1: "Me as a Manager of a Wine Shop??"

Hello everyone! I’m AKI, the shop manager at LA GALERIE WINE SHOP.
I’d like to introduce you to what our store is all about.

“It would make me really happy if you, Aki-chan, could run a wine shop.” With this one statement from the president, my journey as a shop manager began. I had no experience in wine shops and it had been about 5 years since I worked in customer service on the floor. Can someone like me really do this? I wondered.

From the seemingly endless paperwork for the alcohol sales license application to shelf arrangement, SKUs—where should I even start? I found myself lost every day, but thanks to the support of many people, I managed to reach the opening.

Located on Meiji Street North Aoyama, surrounded by three forests—Meiji Shrine, Shinjuku Gyoen, and Jingu Outer Gardens—our shop is on the first floor of the eye-catching tower residence “Park Court Jingu North Aoyama The Tower.” While the space is compact, about 30 sqm, it was designed by interior designer Morita Kyotsugu, the founder of GLAMOROUS, resulting in a shop that combines openness and luxury. With high ceilings and a very comfortable atmosphere, you can leisurely choose your wine.

Next to the wine shop is “LE BISTRO,” a French bistro where you can enjoy a relaxed meal after shopping. There’s a growing trend of people wanting to enrich their meals at home, and I myself have come to want to enjoy delicious meals and good wine at home more than before.

In a restaurant, you can witness customers enjoying wine and food right then and there, but in a wine shop, you can’t see how the wine will be enjoyed. However, I believe I can hand over the wine while imagining the scene of opening that bottle together with the customer.

“I tried the wine I bought the other day, it was delicious!”

I hope to create a shop where customers come back and say that, where our staff continually learn and strive, and where you’ll think that it was a great decision to buy from LA GALERIE WINE SHOP.

We’ll also be introducing the wines on our shelves in the future, so please look forward to it.





ラ ギャルリィ ワイン ショップ


火-金 13:00 - 20:30
土・日・祝日 11:30 - 20:30
Sat/Sun/National Holiday 11:30a.m - 8:30p.m
※Monday CLOSED
※ If a scheduled day off falls on a holiday, the following day will be taken off


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